Friday, 26 February 2016

First Draft

 I feel my final pieces have gone quite well. I like the colour schemes and I also like the structure of the pieces.

For my cover, I applied all the changes I said I would in my mock up post, and I feel that it has come out very well. I removed the blue banner and changed the colour of the background to show the cover lines better. I also leveled out the artists from "who's inside?" and "What's inside?" as it looked more professional. I also changed the artists so the whole piece is original. I feel the original image is okay, but could have been in a better quality.
I feel my contents page looks good, I changed the colours of the background and made the "Contents" the same colour as the box where the contents are. I also added an original photo of Matt and one of him playing guitar, I kept the opaque look to this photo. Next, I changed the colours of the artists in the subtitle to red so they are more outstanding. I aimed for the contents page to be simple as that was what other magazines had, and I wanted to emulate that. I spell checked my piece, then adjusted them so they lined up.
My Double page spread has come out the best in my opinion, I tried to keep the same structure as my mock up, However I moved around some of the components. I moved the title to the centre and added a bold quotation witch I got from 1001 fonts. I also feel the main image is good, but could be re-taken, to show more emotion in the artists face. I also adjusted the Q&A to follow the line of Matt's arm and shoulder. I  also kept the red bar down the bottom and applied the Tone. magazine website. I also checked my contents page to get the same page number for the page number. I also kept the twitter element as I feel including your reader is important as a successful magazine.

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